Monday 9 September 2013

Raw beet & zucchini salad

If you are an avid beet lover this salad is for you! Its sweet & refreshing, my girls love it. Beets are high in many many vitamins and minerals. They are a natural tonic for the liver and can prevent various forms of cancer. Beets also contain betaine, which is used in certain treatments of depression. It also contains trytophan, which relaxes the mind and creates a sense of well-being, similar to chocolate! I bet you didn't know beets are also nature's Viagra? Seriously. Beets were used by the ancient Romans as an aphrodisiac... and today science say that beets contain high amounts of boron, which is directly related to the production of human sex hormones. Interesting!!!

" Beets are so concentrated, nutritionally speaking that many natural vitamins are derived from them. Dr.Bruce recommends eating a few spoonfuls of beets per day - either raw, fermented or cooked - as a sure method of ingesting adequate vitamins and minerals on a regular basis and as a way of detoxifying the body as well... " - Nourishing Traditions Cookbook


- 1 red beet with outer skin removed
- 1 zucchini
- parsly
- goat feta cheese
- olive oil
- salt
- nutritional yeast to taste

1-2-3 steps

- Simply grate beets and zucchini into a large bowl. Add some olive oil, salt, nutritional yeast to taste. Garnish with parsley! Ready to serve!

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